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APMP Foundation - 12 & 19 Sept 2024

APMP Foundation - 12 & 19 Sept 2024


APMP Foundation is the first step on the path to professional certification for specialists in bid and proposal management and is widely viewed as an essential addition to your CV.

With over 15 years as an approved APMP training organisation, we have an unparalleled pass rate. We receive outstanding feedback on our courses, which draw on our extensive real-world experience of helping teams to win bids and build better proposal capabilities. Join us to explore the latest best practice and industry insights and gain practical new ideas!

We help hundreds of candidates each year to pass via this online course. (We also offer regular face-to-face classes if you’d prefer that). Topics covered include:

  • An overview of the APMP certification programme, and how the Foundation level exam works
  • Information research and management - gathering the information we need before writing a proposal, and the importance of effective knowledge management
  • Building a project plan for your proposal – including industry metrics for effort required to do key tasks well
  • Developing a winning proposal – reviewing key topics such as qualification, strategy development, content planning, writing and design
  • Managing the proposal - considering the end-to-end proposal process and the key reviews that need to take place
  • Aligning to the overall sales process
  • Next steps - scheduling your time slot to sit the exam online.

Once you’ve passed, you’ll receive your printed certificate around one month later. APMP members will also be entitled to use the designation ‘CF APMP'

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does it cost? The course costs £440 (plus VAT if you are in the UK). (You will be liable for any local withholding taxes where applicable.)
  2. What’s included? The fee includes the online training and the APMP Foundation exam fee. Payment must be received in full before the first course date.
  3. How do I join APMP? You must be a member of APMP to attend the course. If you’re not already a member, you’ll need to go to APMP’s website and sign up via the “Individual Membership” option (not included in your course fee). Please note that the surname we use to book your exam paper must exactly match the surname on your APMP membership. So if you’ve changed your name recently please do make sure you check carefully.
  1. What are the course dates? The course will be split over two sessions. The dates and timings are at the top of this information leaflet.
  2. What technology will be used? We’ll present the course using MS Teams and you will be sent a calendar invitation with the links.
  3. Is there any pre-reading? We recommend that you read through as much as you can of APMP’s “Study Guide” before sitting the exam. This will help you to familiarise yourself with some of APMP’s terminology.

The guide is a sub-set of APMP’s Body of Knowledge, available to members via this link, using the same email address and password that you’ll have set up for the main APMP website ( Please have a look at the chapters on:

    • Introduction to the Business Development Lifecycle
    • Strategy and Win Themes
    • Value Propositions
    • Gate Decisions
    • Review Management
    • Scheduling
    • Content Plans.
  1. Can I practise the exam? Yes. If you want, you can take a practise exam paper on this link and choose “APMP (v3) Foundation” from the drop-down menu.
  2. How do I register for the online exam? We’ll register you with APMP’s exam board, APM Group. They’ll then email you directly, after the first course, with a link that you can follow to sit the exam online. You can do this at a date / time of your own choosing: we recommend you sit the exam within a few days of the second class. The exam lasts one hour. If English is not your first language, you will be granted 20% extra time.
  3. What’s the pass mark? The assessment comprises a multiple-choice examination of 75 questions. The pass mark is 42.
  4. What if I fail? We hope you won’t! But if you don’t pass, you can resit. The cost of the re-sit is not included in the fee for this course.
  5. What materials can I consult? The exam is ‘open book’, so you will be able to have open copies of the slides, the study guide and other material we’ll provide during the course.
  6. What’s the cancellation policy? If you choose to cancel your place on the course after paying, or do not attend, then no refunds will be payable.


If you want to know more about the certification scheme, there’s a short brochure on the APMP website.

What if I need more information? Feel free to ask if there’s anything we can do to help prior to the course. Just contact our office manager Christine – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Event Information

Event Date 12 Sep 2024 - 10:00 am (UK Time)
Event End Date 19 Sep 2024 - 1:00 pm (UK Time)
Individual Price £440 + VAT where applicable
Location Online

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