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APMP Micro-Certifications
APMP Micro-Certification Executive Summaries
The executive summary of your proposal is the first thing your customer reads. It’s the most closely scrutinized and hence the most important part of your proposal. Join us for this online course, delivered by a highly acclaimed trainer, to prepare you to pass APMP’s new micro-certification in executive summaries. (Please note: this is delivered in real time, with the chance for interaction and questions – it’s not a pre-recorded module.)
Topics covered include:
We’ll explore best practices in creating executive summaries, in line with APMP’s recently updated Body of Knowledge section on this topic, covering content such as:
the main aims of the executive summary
the audience: who are you writing to / for?
the process to be followed when writing the executive summary
roles and responsibilities in developing an executive summary
how to structure a compelling executive summary.
We’ll also include a short case study, reviewing executive summary content, and some practice exam questions.
You must be a member of APMP to take the exam.