
Our services

Winning Proposals Masterclass™

A Masterclass

for individuals or small teams

Public Winning Proposals Masterclass™

This one day course is for anyone associated with proposals - sales leads, content contributors, senior managers and proposal and bid specialists. An award-winning, high-impact overview of contemporary proposal best practice – equipping participants with practical techniques that will enable them to improve proposal quality and increase win rate.

Sales leads

Sales leads

Content contributors

Content contributors

Senior managers

Senior managers

Bid/proposal specialists

Bid/proposal specialists


Online course dates


Topics covered include:

Winning Proposals MasterclassTM - online

An award-winning, high-impact overview of contemporary proposal best practice – equipping participants with practical techniques that will enable them to improve proposal quality and increase win rate.

Part 1: Winning proposal output 

Introductions and scene-setting: characteristics of a first-class proposal, and the role of the proposal within an effective sales and bid process

Interactive case study, driving discussion of top tips for writing persuasive proposal content

The importance of effective proposal layout and design


Part 2: A repeatable, winning proposal process

Qualification and pre-proposal planning: chasing the right deals and becoming less reactive in the proposal process

Strategy development: the role of storytelling in the proposal, and the “three C” process for identifying win themes

Content design and storyboarding – how to plan your answers to maximize scores in the evaluation

Proposal structure, including the role and content of an effective executive summary and solution overview

A final case study

High-impact reviews of your draft proposal (‘red teams’)

Part 3: Conclusions and next steps

Course wrap up: learnings, take-aways and SP Alumni

Tailored, in-house courses delivered face-to-face or virtually
Tailored, in-house courses delivered face-to-face or virtually
View our training syllabus
APMP certification courses for individuals and in-house teams
APMP certification courses for individuals and in-house teams
See here for more details
On-demand learning modules for individuals,
On-demand learning modules for individuals, "Proposal Essentials"
See here for more details
Coaching courses for small teams and individuals
Coaching courses for small teams and individuals
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