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11 videos

Train for success

Proposal Essentials

A Masterclass

essential viewing for anyone in the world of proposals

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Presented by Jon Williams, co-author of the bestselling book “Proposal Essentials”. This 11-part presentation is ideal for anyone looking for that extra edge in their RFP responses and overall approach to proposals.

Whether you work in sales or business development, contribute content to proposals, review others’ content or are a proposal specialist, it’s essential viewing!

What do I get?

Eleven videos each 8 - 11 minutes long

Buy now!
  • Get all eleven videos and a free book for just
    £100 + VAT per person.
  • (Rate for Strategic Proposals Alumni members:
    £40 + VAT per person.)

The role of the proposal in a winning sales cycle

How to make sure you’re chasing the right bids

Pre-proposal planning
Planning for success before an RFP

Planning and management
Organising your proposal team

Proposal strategy
Building a compelling story

Content design
Storyboarding to maximize evaluation scores

Content development
For persuasive and professional content

Proposal design
Design tips to make your proposals look great

Reviews and approvals
Sharpening content, late in the process

Learning reviews
What went well and how to improve

A strategic approach
To drive real win rate improvements


The technical bit…

The videos are streamed – you do not download.

You will be sent a unique address to use. This is for you, and you alone.

You can use this address on any device with an Internet connection.

You can watch the videos 3 times each and then they expire (you won’t be able to log in).

The videos will expire in 3 months time (you won’t be able to log in – even if you haven’t used your 3 times viewing).

You will be sent the book as a pdf. Please note this book is for your personal use only.

To maximise the screen click on the top right expand button in the corner of your download.



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