Our services
Proposal writing
Words win
Mastering the art of writing bids and proposals
Words win
There may have been a time when a buyer would award you the contract because you’d charged the least amount of money, or perhaps because you knew the bill payer really well. Those days are gone. The commercial aspect may continue to be important, as are relationships, but new levels of governance and transparency means formally evaluated proposals are a key part of winning today.
A written proposal, however well illustrated and designed (and we’re market leaders in proposal design), can only be a winning one if it has engaged with, and won over, the buyer reading it. There’s only one tool that can do that. Words.
Sure, you have your processes and systems, your experienced team and some innovations, but they don’t know that yet. You have to tell them all about it. Not only that, you have to find a way to tell them what they want to know in the manner you want them to know it. This is the difference between a plain fact and a persuasive argument.
What does £250,000 mean? A quarter of a million pounds. It’s an amount. A fact. But words give it meaning and relevance. How about if we write the words “only” or “as much as” in front of it? It’s the same quantity of money, but now we’re trying to persuade you that it refers to something cheap or expensive. We, as writers, are deciding how you, as readers, are going to view the exact same sum of money.
Writers live for words. And not just any words, but the right ones. Le mot juste. If you’re asked to respond to a technical question with no more than 500 words, a writer will produce 500 words and not an apostrophe more (your SME is likely to use 800 and still not answer the question asked!). Highly skilled editors, they will take your copy and make sure it fits the brief, reads well and engages with the reader.
Our writers are highly sought after. In an increasing competitive and unpredictable climate, with more tenders being submitted through portals with limited or no possibility of fancy graphics and design, organisations are fully appreciating the persuasive influence of the written word. It’s worth repeating; words win.
Writing to win
Strategic Proposals crafts concise, engaging proposal and collateral content that tells a compelling story, balances technical and non-technical needs, and resonates with evaluators.
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