Unlock the secrets of winning bids by mastering the art of connecting every dot in the bid lifecycle.
Winning a deal is an art that requires all of the dots in the lifecycle to be connected. There are clear connections across the lifecycle of all opportunities and those organisations that best understand this end up being the most efficient and winning more. By the way, if you want to test your current capability to win, try our Proposal BenchmarkerTM. Each phase of the bid, from capture to learning reviews, is interconnected, and the strength of one influences the success of the others.
Learning through feedback
Data managment
Strategy evolution
We all know that having a strategy to win each opportunity is essential, right? Yes, but that strategy needs to evolve during the process. At the initial pursuit decision, we capture the rationale to bid along with the assumptions and actions required to improve our chances of winning. These actions are then delivered upon, and further information is captured and analysed as we move forward. This cycle informs our decisions at every stage and by connecting the dots, we keep focused on the prize whilst being confident in how we'll get there.
In summary
A bid strategy is only as strong as its weakest phase. Like vertebrae in a backbone, each phase must be robust and well-connected to support the overall structure. By focusing on strengthening each 'vertebra,' you ensure the art of winning becomes a science, leading to consistent success in your strategic proposals.
Read more about how to connect the dots in Graham Ablett's BQ article here.